60 Reviews

Kate Soper, Troubled Pleasures: Writings on Politics, Gender and Hedonism
Peter Osborne, ed., Socialism and the Limits of Liberalism
Dave Archard

Richard Rorty, Objectivity, Relativism and Truth and Essays on Heidegger and Others, Philosophical Papers, Vols. I and II
Kate Soper

Terry Eagleton, Ideology: An Introduction
Richard Rorty

Gary Saul Morson and Caryl Emerson, Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics
David Lodge, After Bakhtin: Essays on Fiction and Criticism
Malcolm V. Jones, Dostoyevsky After Bakhtin: Readings in Dostoyevsky’s Fantastic Realism
Mike Gardiner

Freya Mathews, The Ecological Self
Lawrence E. Johnson, A Morally Deep World: An Essay on Moral Significance and Environmental Ethics
Andrew Dobson

Margaret Whitford, Luce Irigaray: Philosophy in the Feminine
Sadie Plant

Friedrich Nietzsche, My Sister and I
Lester H. Hunt, Nietzsche and the Origin of Virtue
Alan D. Schrift, Nietzsche and the Question of Interpretation. Between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
Alan White, Within Nietzsche’s Labyrinth
Keith Ansell-Pearson

Elisabeth Roudinesco, Jacques Lacan & Co. A History of Psychoanalysis in France 1925-1985
David Macey

Nancy Fraser, Unruly Practices; Power Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory
Anne Beezer

Pierre Bourdieu, The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger
Jonathan Rée

Elizabeth V. Spelman, Inessential Woman: Problems of exclusion in feminist thought
Alex Klaushofer

Noel Parker, Portrayals of Revolution: Images, Debates and Patterns of Thought on the French Revolution
Tom Furniss

Ross Poole, Morality and Modernity
Alasdair MacIntyre

Stanley Cavell, Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome: the Constitution of Emersonian Perfectionism
Russell B. Goodman, American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition
David Watson

Richard Kuper, Electing for Democracy: Proportional Representation and the Left
Kevin Magill

Allan Stoekl, ed., On Bataille, Yale French Studies 78
David Macey

Elzinga et al, eds., In Science We Trust
Lucy Frith

lain Chambers, Border Dialogues
Steve Redhead

Sandy Petrey, Speech Acts and Literary Theory
Jean-Jacques Lecercle

Peter Collier and Judy Davies, eds., Modernism and the European Unconscious
Sadie Plant

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